Vegetables are available in plenty of varieties to suit to our various tastes

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  We all know the benefits of a healthy and balanced diet. It is essential for body’s proper growth and harmony. A balanced diet should consist of all the vital body requirements such as minerals, vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and also mineral salts. But our adaption to modern-day lifestyle has in a way restricted our diet to merely fast foods and ready-to-eat supplements; making our body more prone to unwanted diseases.Here we provide you with some Square Ventilation Fans Manufacturers of the essential components of a healthy balanced diet that you can include in your daily dietary routine in order to stay hale and hearty.Vegetables:A balanced diet is incomplete without vegetables. Veggies are a great source of vitamins A and C, and are also low in fat and calories.


Vegetables are available in plenty of varieties to suit to our various tastes. Green-leafy vegetables are considered best for our eyes and digestive system. It can be even added as a dressing to make our boring food look colourful and eye-catchy. And believe us, it will do wonders! Try to include as much as amount of vegetables in your diet to fend off the diseases.Fruits: Like vegetables, fresh fruits are also an immense source of fiber and minerals and help our body in many ways than one. Fruits can be taken in different forms to satisfy your need. You can make delicious smoothies, fruit platters, fruit juices and many more. It is recommended by many dieticians to include at least two to three small fruit servings in your diet to make it an ideal one.Grains:There are two types of grains. One is whole grain and another is refined grain. Grains help in a great way in improving the digestive system of our body. Foods made up of whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, oat-meal, and corn-flakes, rice are necessary in providing the energy for day-to-day activities. Refined grain foods can be categorized as pastas, white-breads or anything which is made from flour.Dairy and Meat products:Considered as the primary source of protein along with iron and zinc, dairy and meat products are an essential part of a Dairy foods make our bones strong and healthy and contains ample amount of calcium. Dairy and meat products can be classified as milk, cheese and yogurt, egg, meat and fish.


Although, doctors suggest including more of fish and less of red meat to avoid other health conditions like heart diseases and cholesterol problems.Mineral salts:Although required in small quantity, but salt is equally vital for maintaining our proper health condition. A variety of mineral salts help in providing our body with iodine, calcium, sodium and iron, which is required for healthy teeth, bones, muscles. But people suffering from hypertension, high-blood pressure should lower their intake of salts. In order to lead a happy and healthy life, you must have carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals salts and fiber in the correct proportions.

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