In addition to automobiles and auto parts industries and enterprises fancy

Double Inlet Centrifugal Fan Manufacturers

  In addition to automobiles and auto parts industries and enterprises fancy opportunities for the development of new energy vehicles, industries and enterprises are also eyeing opportunities in the market. The real estate business is located in Yuyao, a new Yu Group, the $ 1.8 billion into the dynamic field of lithium batteries, to hire experts in Japan, Korea and other countries, R & D with industry-leading of lithium iron phosphate cathode, the world's first coated with water-based solvent spray technology, has developed a 10 A, 20 Ah, 40 Ah,100 A and other multi-standard lithium-ion battery. All series of products has been a large number of electric car manufacturers fancy, is entering the trialstage of cooperation.With many auto parts manufacturers in the development of green Outer Rotor Axial Cooling Fan automotive parts not yetmastered the key components and key technologies, the city some of the strength of the auto parts manufacturers in the green auto parts research and development-oriented process, pay attention to engage with the internationalgiants synchronous development, and to participate in one of the key components of R & D production processes to enable them to accelerate the development of green automotive industry to account for the initiative.


Islocated in and the U.S. electric vehiclere search and development leader in Tesla carried out the study of the compactelectric vehicle engine parts, and successfully mastered the key components ofthe electric vehicle battery connector systems and integration board "of the production technology, and establish a world's highest standard of cleaning pipeline --- hydrocarbon cleaning lines and 10,000 clean plant, and become a supplier of Tesla's. "Since2005, our cooperation with Tesla's development of key components of the electric vehicles, have mastered the key technology of the 50, one of the most important is the 'battery connected systems' production technology." JinYi, president of Ye Shoukui told reporters, "under the same conditions,the use of the battery connection system, automobile rechargeable battery canrun 300 km, while the other cable only run 150 km. This is the auto dvd and car dvd player secret of ourtechnology." Asdomestic automotive interior industry leading enterprises, the Huaxiangstrengthen research and development of technologies critical for thedevelopment of new energy automotive industry trends.


Last year, Ningbo Huaxiang set up in the "new energy vehicles and key parts and components industry base" auto parts company, dedicated to collect the latest master new energy vehicles, active research and development, design and production, toshare the development of new energy automotive industry with to newopportunities. Ningbowas built new Zhao Group president assistant quarter accounted for the spring,said, was built new Zhao groups have been concerned about the new energy vehicles development and technology dynamics, from the current technology development situation of view, was built new Zhao Group in the car chassis, the key technology development, research and new energy vehicles, especially electric vehicles matching the company's products can be smoothly into the field of new energy vehicles.

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